Introducing Support Forum

We’ve created a Support Forum to help our Hosted WordPress customers through the process of creating their web site. If you have any questions or issues working on your site, create a new post with a title that summarizes issue – and give full details in the post. When a new post is created, an email is sent to an administrator – who will reply in the post in a reasonable time (1 hour to 24 hours). In time, as the forum grows, more users with knowledge will answer and a Knowledgebase of question with answers will develop. Please search forum to see if the question and answered had already been addressed in the past.

You will have to register to post, so we can reduce Spam. Like all Social Media and Forums, you will immediately be sent a confirmation email (again to reduce Spam) with a confirmation Link you must click to complete registration. If you don’t see that email in your In Box, check your Spam Box to see if it was directed there.

If you would like to have a forum like this – you can get one at Big Kahuna Hosting with a new hosting account.

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